Tuesday, November 9, 2010

fat cat stretches

this fluffy cat reminds me of my own furball, who seems to get fatter every time I see her. and I love the look on his face.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

pandas everywhere

more panda cupcakes! i am sad today because i am in the midst of exam hell week, (and election day sucked) but these lovely panda cupcakes made things better. also i spotted the guy in a panda suit dancing on locust walk. i will not be going to the frat house's stupid party, but i do want to know where he got that suit. and do they make it in pajama form? with footies? for girl-size people?
on a somewhat irrelevant note, i also spotted a cop talking to some squirrels on locust this morning. it warmed my heart, it did.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

cat (out of the bag)

cats really like bags. they just can't get enough of hiding in them, knocking them over, popping out of them to attack your feet, and sitting on top of the groceries when you are trying to put them away. anyway, here you can find a set of very adorable kitten pictures which made me happy despite the fact that i have two exams this week. and also a belated halloween cat! how festive of him to pose on top of a pumpkin.