Tuesday, October 19, 2010

cats in sweaters

I am a cat person. And yes, I greatly enjoy scrolling through pictures like these. But unfortunately for crazy cat ladies the world over, cats do not like wearing sweaters. It is a sad truth. Some of the cats are bored, disaffected, unconcerned with their newly acquired turtlenecks, but the rest are seriously peeved. Actually angry cat expressions paired with wool knits are hilarious. When I was ten I decided to craft a Halloween costume for my cat out of red felt and cardboard. She was to be dressed as a Devil-Cat, greeting the trick-or-treaters with a flick of her forked felt tail. She wore the horns and the cape for most of the night before finding a way to dislodge them. Unsurprising, given her quest to lose every collar we attempted to fasten around her neck, usually burying them under the pine tree in the back yard. We cat people love the idea of feline companion as furry doll. There's just something about a cat in a cardigan. Am I right? Also--that rasta cat? Speaking of cute things that I can't have, micro-pigs named Clive. Notice his red Wellington boots. I guess you have to be Paris Hilton to procure a micro-pig, but perhaps they are commercially available in the UK. If I get to go abroad next year, I will investigate. Finally, cardboard love and a helpful instructional video.

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