Tuesday, October 19, 2010

the panda post

What is black and white and cute all over? That's right. The giant panda. I have trekked through DC in the pouring rain to glimpse the real thing, and I have squealed with envy and disbelief when a hallmate revealed he had actually held a baby panda in his hands. The fact that pandas have to be rented from China for temporary periods of time makes me very sad. Pandas are a precious resource, but why can't China share the love? When I made the panda pilgrimage to Washington, I searched high and low for the pandas in their outside enclosure, and I had almost given up when we stumbled into the glass plated indoor panda habitat-- and there he was, munching away, a giant display about panda sex behind him. I think it is difficult to understand the magnitude of panda bamboo consumption without actually witnessing it firsthand. He did not appear to be breathing between bites. He had no time. It was like a marathon, like an eating contest with no end. But he seemed very happy, and I was glad I got to see him. I have also collected some panda merchandise, stuffed toys, mugs, magnets, etc. The best panda website, I can say with some authority, is perfectpandas.com. It's filled with videos, pictures, and the lovable ravings of panda fanatics. Here's a recipe for panda cupcakes, green tea inspired. My own version of panda cupcakes (gingerbread with a marshmallow filling) were decorated not with fondant, but instead with halved York peppermint patties, sno caps, and pink icing. I guess I prefer baking that is a little more democratic, i.e. not involving scores of hard-to-find ingredients. Here is a marvelous clip of a panda dancing, sure to brighten any gloomy day. And an adorable mug set from modcloth.com., which also has panda sweatshirts and tote bags. I hope one day to reach China, where I can realize my dream of visiting a panda preschool like the one pictured below. So take a trip to the WWF website(they also publish a great panda themed calendar including educational blurbs). Google "funny panda," and have a good laugh. Above all, indulge your inner panda-lover!

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